Monday, March 18, 2013

High Holy Days

The Triduum  marks the high holy days of our church year. More so than Christmas, these days are the times when our faith is most expressed.


At the Mass on this day, we hear how Jesus washed his disciples' feet and commanded them to do the same for others. We too are called to be the servant of others by our baptism. It isn't easy to put others before yourself or their needs as a priority in your life but this is what being a servant to all really calls for.
What blocks you from openness to serve others?


Ever wonder why this day, commemorating the passion and death of Jesus  is call Good? This is the day that, through his passion and death, Jesus began his final lesson for us. His willingness to embrace even pain and death to free us is a great gift. Without this, there would be no resurrection, no sign to us that not even death is to be feared if we believe in God.


Waiting is not something we Americans do well.  Holy Saturday is about waiting in patient expectation. It is a good time to take a final inventory of our life and see how we have grown closer to God through Lent and to make last minute preparation to celebrate our redemption through the cross and resurrection.

The Sacred Vigil on Holy Saturday night is the time when new Christians are fully initiated through their celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. No one who calls themselves Christian can fail to be moved by the sight of these new Christians rising out of the baptismal water with joy. It call us to renew our own commitment to live our baptismal promises, call on the strength of the Holy Spirit to bring that faith to others and to join the community in celebration of the Eucharist.

Alleluia! He has been raised!
Christ indeed is risen and so we are reminded once again that their is nothing stronger that God, even death.
This is a day to celebrate new life. That is the reason for the little chicks and rabbits and ducklings that you see everywhere. new life, as symbolized by these tiny creatures speaks of the rebirth of all Christians through water and the Spirit. Celebrate your life in Christ.
From now through Pentecost, we continue to the Easter season and the celebration of our redemption.
Happy Easter!!!

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