Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

No, I'm not crazy or messed up on the date. Our Church Year begins with the first Sunday of Advent. This year we will be in cycle B, which focuses mainly on the Gospel of Mark.

Since this is the New Year of our church, we should use it to make a few New Year resolutions, spiritually, that it.

Maybe for some it will be to make their prayer life more consistent, more praise and less "Please Help!" For others, it may be to reach out to those estranged from the family or the Church, inviting them back to relationship. Still others may decide to do more to help those less fortunate or to work for justice causes, respecting all life as coming from God.
As we prepare for Christmas by a solid observation of Advent, may the joy of this season and that of Christmas move us to be better disciples of Christ in all we do.

I would urge everyone to contemplate on one thought as a sort of guide or mantra for this year. Every person is loved by God, not for who they are or what they do but simply because God chooses to love all creation. Remember the scripture: "God so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten Son..."

So, share your thoughts about how you will prepare to welcome Christ in your heart & home.