Thursday, June 14, 2012

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer!
Those words from a Nat King Cole song speak about the way Summer affects people's outlook and activities. For some, summertime is about a more relaxed pace. For others, the extra daylight and warm weather allows for more activities, especially outdoors.
Unfortunately, summertime for some people means a lessening of their commitment to prayer and time with God. Sunday Mass is less attended.
Make a pledge to yourself to renew your time with God. This is a good opportunity to find and commune with God in nature, to use the season of Summer to try new prayer forms or resume one we may have neglected. Use the magnificent gift of this season to open yourself more to God, to follow Christ more closely, to unclutter and refocus on what really matters - our relationship with our Creator.
Have a happy and blessed Summertime and may your living be easy!