Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mass Confusion

It seems that there is much confusion and concern surrounding the changes in the Mass that will take place beginning this Advent. While the parish has put material in the bulletin and a workshop was offered, many still have questions. If you do, use the comment section on this post to ask them or to make comments about the changes.


  1. I just have a question about the mass. if we lived in way way back when, when stuff was exactly by the book would we walk in after the priest the same way we walk out after the priest. Also you know how when Moses approaches the burning bush God tells him to take off his shoes because he is entering a holy place. wouldn't it be cool if we took off our shoes and the door of the church and attended mass bare foot. That would probably never happen but it would still be really cool and more respectful.

  2. It would be cool if it was taken seriously. Whatever would add to active participation in the liturgy would be great
