It's been awhile since I have posted anything. This is the time of year when many things change to a different pace.
God has created us to both work and rest. Somehow, one of these has overshadowed the other in our society. That's too bad because it has a negative effect on our spirituality.
Have you ever heard someone say, " I don't have time to pray." or " My work is my prayer.?"These and similar attitudes fail to recognize the need God has instilled in our very being for quiet and rest; re-creation. Without rest and quiet, we are too busy or too occupied to listen to God spek to us. We make a decent effort to speak TO God but how often is it a monologue with us doing all the talking.
Rest & quiet have great value and are an essential part of any mature relationship with God.
So I hope you find a time & place for quiet this Summer and throughout the year.